Cards (14)

  • all staff receive feedback from all directions of the company including those outside of the company that the employee has interactions with, like customers or clients
    360 Degree Feedback
  • method that rates employees according to defined factors
    Rating Scales Method
  • employees are ranked on a graphic sliding scale for various attributes
    Graphic Rating Scale
  • employees are ranked on a graphic sliding scale with specific examples of what each side of the scale looks like
    Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale
  • requires keeping written records of highly favorable and unfavorable employee work actions
    Critical incident method (CIT)
  • rater writes a brief narrative describing the employee’s performance.
    Essay Method
  • compares each employee’s performance to a predetermined standard or expected level of output
    Work Standards Method
  • employees from a group are ranked from best to worst in order of overall performance
    Rank Ordering / Ranking Method
  • An employee comparison procedure in which each employee is compared to every other employee in a set of pairs
    Paired Comparison
  • each employee is sorted into two or more categories in hopes of limiting the number of raises that must be granted
    Forced Distribution Method
  • combines elements of the traditional rating scales and CIT methods; various performance levels are shown along a scale with each described in terms of an employee’s specific job behavior.
    Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) method
  • The manager and subordinate jointly agree on objectives for the next appraisal period in a results-based system, in the past a form of management by objectives.
    Results-Based System Results-Based System
  • employees are given explicit written feedback
    Narrative Comments
  • focuses on the employee’s goals and leadership development, and the creation of relationships between supervisors and employees
    Feedforward Interviews