method for reducing rater errors by training raters about the different possible errors. In some cases, it increases the chance of error
Rater Error Training
method for reducing rater errors by training raters to enhance their observation and categorization skills
Frame of Reference Training
the idea that social context makes Performance Appraisal a complex process that doesn’t just have to do with the actual act of rating someone on a scale | Thus, PA must include other sources of information
Contextual Approach
Considered the best indicator of the viability of PA, involves gauging and managing employee reactions to PA
Reactions Criteria
The idea that supervisors have different relationships with different subordinates
Supervisor-Subordinate Relationship
AKA “Sucking up” to a supervisor to get them to like you and give you a more favorable PA
Impression Management Strategies
the extent to which the employee being appraised believes in the accuracy and fairness of their PA
refers to how receptive the environment of a company is to giving/receiving feedback. Basically, the culture surrounding feedback at a given company
Feedback Environment
how receptive an individual is to receiving feedback about their performance