What advances for mothers and infant care happened in the Early 1900's?
Improvements for birth control and feminine products, more standardized care for women and childbirth (first milk bank).
What advances for mother and infant care happened in the mid 1900's?
Lamaze education, birth control pill introduced, research for birth defect causes, NAACOG founded, mammograms.
What advances for mother and infant care happened in the late 1900's?
Home pregnancy kits, family and medical leave act, newborns' and mothers' health act, emergency contraception.
What advances for mother and infant care happened from early 2000's to current day?
Affordable care act, HPV vaccine, further research on effect of viruses to fetus/neonate.
What is the goal for the HRSA?
Improve healthcare access to those without coverage.
What does the Office of Minority Health do?
Prioritization of reducing disparities.
What does the NIH do for health disparities?
Provide research and educational materials.
What does the CDC do for health disparities?
Measures progress on elimination of disparities.
What does the US Department of Health and Human Services do for health disparities?
Promote evidence based programs, integrate approaches and best practice.
What is the trend for maternal mortality in the United States?
It has doubled in the past two decades.
Non hispanic black women have a threefold to fourfold increase in the likelihood of dying due to pregnancy related conditions compared to non hispanic white women.
What are specific Healthy People 2030 goals are for maternity and fetal patients?
Reduce rate of fetal and newborn deaths
Increase proportion of clients who attend childbirth classes
Reduce maternal mortality rates
What is a common indicator of adequacy of prenatal care and health of a nation?
Infant mortality rate.
What is considered low birth weight?
Less than 2,500 grams (5 pounds and 8 ounces) at birth.
What is considered preterm birth?
Born before 37 weeks.
What organization of family is steadily declining?
Nuclear family.
What is the model of health care for a perinatal nurse?
Health promotion rather than an illness care model.
What is the genogram for?
Identify support systems and assess family social environment. (AKA Family tree).
What is an ecomap?
Describes social relationships and depicts available supports.