T2 Adaptations and Nursing Care During Pregnancy

Cards (119)

  • What happens to the uterus during pregnancy?
    Size increases from 10 mL to 5 L, becomes more ovoid, and moves from the pelvis up into the abdomen.
  • When does the uterus start to move up into the abdomen?
    Around 12 weeks.
  • When does the pregnancy begin to "show"?
    Around 14 weeks.
  • When can the uterus be palpated above the pubic symphesis?
    Between weeks 12 to 14.
  • When does the uterus reach the xyphoid process?
    36 weeks.
  • What is the "lightening" that women feel after 36 weeks of pregnancy?
    The presenting part of the fetus settles into the pelvis.
  • What sign of pregnancy occurs around 6 weeks that is shown by the softening of the lower uterus?
    Hegar's sign.
  • What does Hegar's sign cause with pregnant women?
    Urinary frequency.
  • What may the pregnant woman feel around the 4th month of pregnancy?
    Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • What are Braxton Hicks contractions?
    Irregular and painless contractions to increase uterine blood flow.
  • When do Braxton Hicks contractions become more pronounced?
    After 28 weeks.
  • When do Braxton Hicks contractions usually stop?
    With activity such as walking.
  • Do Braxton Hicks contractions cause cervical dilation?
  • At term, how much of maternal blood volume is in the uterine vascular system?
  • What factors can decrease uterine blood flow?
    • Maternal hypotension
    • Uterine contractions
    • Maternal supine hypotension
    • Decreased maternal blood volume
  • What sound does uterine blood flow cause?
    A bruit called "uterine souffle" which can be heard using ultrasound, doppler or fetoscope.
  • What does the funic souffle sound signify?
    Fetal heart rate caused by circulation of blood through the umbilical cord.
  • What is ballottement?
    Passive movement of the fetus where the fetus "bounces" away from the examiners finger before it rebounds.
  • What is quickening?
    Fetal movements felt by the mother during pregnancy that can be felt as early as 14 weeks but usually around 18 weeks or later.
  • What is a softening of the cervix called?
    Goodell sign.
  • What is friability?
    How cervical tissue is easily damaged which can lead to slight bleeding after examination or coitus.
  • What is a mucous plug?
    Plug high in immunoglobulins in the cervical canal to help prevent infection during pregnancy.
  • What is the corpus luteum?
    Site of egg release on the ovary.
  • What else does the corpus luteum do until the placenta takes over?
    Produces estrogen and progesterone.
  • What is it called when the vaginal mucous thickens with increased vascularity causing a violet or blueish color of the cervix and vaginal mucosa?
    Chadwick's sign.
  • What kind of discharge may be noted with Chadwick sign?
    Whitish or grayish mucousy drainage.
  • What happens to the vulva during pregnancy?
    Increased blood flow and hormonal changes can cause the vulva to become swollen and darker in color during pregnancy with heightened sensitivity.
  • What becomes more pronounced on the breasts during pregnancy?
    Montgomery tubercules.
  • What are striae gravidarum?
    Stretch marks.
  • What may begin leaking during the second trimester?
  • What happens to maternal blood volume during pregnancy?
    Increases by 40 - 45% by approximately 32 weeks.
  • What function does an increase in maternal blood volume have during pregnancy?
    Protective mechanism to provide a fluid reserve for blood loss during childbirth.
  • What happens to maternal cardiac output during pregnancy?
    Increases by 30 - 50% by 25 - 30 weeks and is related to increase volume and oxygen demand.
  • What happens to maternal blood pressure during pregnancy?
    Systolic may decrease slightly and diastolic may decrease through 24 - 32 weeks before returning to pre-pregnancy levels.
  • What happens to the heart during pregnancy?
    Slightly enlarges and is pushed up and to the left.
  • What heart sounds may be heard from the mother during pregnancy?
    Splitting of S1 and S2 and may hear S3.
  • What happens to the heart rate during pregnancy?
    Increases by 5 weeks, peaks by 15 - 20 bpm higher than pre-pregnancy rate by 32 weeks.
  • Are the heart changes reversible after pregnancy?
  • What happens to the blood during pregnancy?
    • Physiologic anemia
    • WBCs increase
    • Fibrinolytic activity is decreased
  • What is physiologic anemia with pregnancy?
    Hemodilution leads to a decrease in H&H.