AristotelianModel was first developed by the Greeks and was considered to be the most simpleand basic model of communication
The 3 elements of the Aristotelian model are: speaker, speech/message, audience
The speaker plays the key role in communication, according to the Aristotelian theory of communication.
According to the Aristotelian model, the speaker communicates in a way that listeners get influenced and respond accordingly
example of Aristotelian model is: in a classroom
What is considered to be the golden rule for public speaking, lectures, and seminars?
Aristotelian model
Shannon-Weaver model is known as the mother of all communication models and was originally designed for telephone communication
What is the process of the Shannon-Weaver model ?
speaker, encoding, channel, (disrupted by noise), decoding,receiver
Who were the first one to discover the factors affecting communication and what is that factor?
Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, noise
Laswell model was proposed by Harold Lasswell in 1948. It is considered as one of the earliest models of communication and is a verbal model
The Laswell model is about the process of communication and its function to society
3 functions of communication in society according to Harold Laswell
surveillance, correlation, cultural transmission
the government uses this tool to alert them to potential dangers
reactions/response from the surveillance. Subordinates are making a connection to try to adapt through the dangers
cultural transmission
institutions pass down values, norms, customs, traditions based on how they lived through the dangers
The process of the Lawell model
communicator (who?), message (says what?), medium (in what channel?), receiver (to whom?), effect (with what?)
Schramm Model was proposed by Wilbur Shramm. According to him, people interact in a constant cyclical fashion that captures the notions of process and interaction.
This model argues that you need to follow the cycle one step at a time. You cannot skip a step
White's model
Dance model was advanced by Frank Dance and is represented by a helix. Communication evolves
According to the dance model, communication moves in a cyclical fashion - moving forward but coming back upon its self
What is the key aspect of the dance model?
"what we say now influences the future
Symbolic interaction model reflects the nature of communication as a dynamic, systemic process in which communicators construct personal meanings through symbolic interaction
According to symbolic interaction model, a given interaction serves as a starting point for the next and future interactions
Speech Communication Transaction model is a two-way process that includes feedback and is interactive. Their is a collaborative exchange between communicators meaning roles can switch (sender can be receiver, receiver can be sender)
Speech communication Transaction aims for understanding but barriers may interfere with the flow of communication
- one way communication interactive communication
- In the linear model, the sender sends the message through some channel such as email, a distributed video, or an old-school printed memo, for example
- The speaker/sender in this case organizes the speech or message according to the target audience and the occasion. It is usually used for public speaking.
- Communication describes communication as a process in which participants alternate positions as a sender and receiver and generate meaning by sending messages and receiving feedback within physical and psychological contexts (schramm, 1997)