Cards (5)

    • An anxiety disorder 😯 when anxiety arises from obsessions and compulsions. Compulsions are a response to obsessions and the person believes the compulsions will reduce anxiety
    • Cognitive characteristics
      • Constant obsessions or intrusive thoughts/impulses. These may be embarrassing, inappropriate 😧 or frightening
      • Commonly, obsessions over germs being everywhere and constantly doubting or inappropriate impulses
      • Someone with OCD eventually recognises their compulsions are excessive, knowing it is a product of their mind 😉
    • Emotional characteristics
      Obsessions and compulsions cause considerable anxiety and distress
      Sufferers are aware their behaviour is excessive and this causes embarrassment and shame 😞
      Commonly, people obsess over germs, increasing feelings of disgust
    • Behavioural characteristics
      Compulsive behaviour, to reduce anxiety created by obsessions. These compulsions are repetitive e.g. constantly washing hands
      Patients feel the must complete ✅ these actions or something dreadful will happen to them, creating anxiety
      These compulsions are not 🚫 realistically connected to prevent the obsessions and are clearly excessive
    • In 2009, 1.6% of UK citizens reportedly had OCD. This means about one or two in a group of 100
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