Positive assumptions

Cards (9)

  • Authenticity of goodness and excellence - we can all develop goodness and excellence about themselves and live the bets version of our lives we can. focuses on developing mental health rather than treating it. Focuses on individuals natural positive traits their goodness and excellence. Encourages people to break some unconscious habits of thinking and behaving to stop them living life to the full. Lead to a greater overall wellbeing. Aims to enhance a persons positive characteristics through 'acceptance based methods' which encourage the virtues such as gratitude resilience and optimisim.
  • Free will

    Use free will to take control of own mind
  • 4 week mind course called getting out of auto-pilot
    1. Paying attention in a particular way
    2. On purpose
    3. In the present moment
    4. Non-judgementally
  • Mindfulness (meditation/mindful breathing)

    • Taking control of how much time they spend on negative thinking and minimising
    • Rather than allowing our thoughts to run free and out of control causing us stress and anxiety
  • Mental problems
    Due to uncontrolled negative automatic thinking
  • Positive approach to taking control of our thoughts
  • Mindfulness based stress reduction - developed by Jon-Kabat- Zinn in 1970's to treat patients struggling with life's difficulties and physical and mental illness. Initially created to aid hospital patients and since used effectively by a wide range of people from all walks of life. 8 week course - 45 minute group sessions after completing course person should be able to build techniques they learn in everyday life. 1 technique is meditation and mindful breathing, relax, no distractions, focus on breathing.
  • Informal practises of mindfulness - although the therapy initially takes place in group sessions under the guidance of the practitioner one f the aims is that individuals develop the skills to engage in mindfulness in more informal settings. Home, work etc. Without the need of the structured sessions.
  • Focus on the good life - taking control of our feelings and behaviours is central to the good life (life regulation qualities). Practising mindfulness we can gain more control over our thoughts which is key to increasing life satisfaction and contentment.