Chapter Six

Cards (28)

  • Person perception
    The different mental processes used to understand and form impressions of other people
  • Attribution
    An evaluation made about the causes of behaviour and the process of making this evaluation
  • Internal attribution
    When we judge behaviour as being caused by something personal within an individual
  • External attribution
    When we determine the cause of a behaviour as resulting from situational factors occurring outside the individual
  • Fundamental attribution error

    Our tendency to explain other people’s behaviour in terms of internal factors, while ignoring possible external factors
  • Attributional style

    Tendencies and repeated patterns in the way someone makes attributions
  • Attitude
    An evaluation of something, such as a person, object, event, or idea
  • Tri-component model of attitudes
    A model which illustrates the relationship between the affective, behavioural, and cognitive components of our attitudes
  • Affective component
    Our emotions and intuitive feelings towards something, reflected in our attitude
  • Behavioural component
    Our outward and observable actions that reflect our point of view about something
  • Cognitive component
    Our thoughts and beliefs towards something
  • Stereotype
    A widely held belief and generalisation about a group, such as people, animals or objects
  • Cognitive dissonance
    The psychological tension that occurs when our thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviours do not align with one another
  • Cognitive biases
    Unconscious, systematic tendencies to interpret information in a way that is neither rational nor based on objective reality
  • Confirmation bias
    The tendency to search for and accept information that supports our prior beliefs or behaviours and ignore contradictory information
  • Actor-observer bias
    The tendency to attribute our own actions to external factors and situational causes while attributing other people’s actions to internal factors
  • Self-serving bias
    The tendency to attribute positive success to our internal character and actions and attribute our failures to external factors or situational causes
  • Halo effect
    The tendency for the impression we form about one quality of a person to influence our overall beliefs about the person in other respects
  • Heuristics
    Information-processing strategies or ‘mental shortcuts’ that enable individuals to form judgements, make decisions, and solve problems quickly and efficiently
  • Base-rate fallacy
    A type of bias in which decisions, social perceptions, and judgements are influenced more by vivid memories and experiences than statistical fact
  • Anchoring (adjustment) heuristic

    An information-processing strategy that involves forming judgements based on the first information received about an idea or concept
  • Availability heuristic
    An information-processing strategy that enables individuals to form a judgement, solve a problem, or make a decision based on information that is easily accessible
  • Representative heuristic
    An information-processing strategy that involves making a categorical judgement about an idea, event, or person based on their similarity to other items in that category
  • Affect heuristic
    An information-processing strategy that involves using emotions to make a judgement or decision
  • Prejudice
    An often negative preconception held against people within a certain group or social category
  • Discrimination
    The unjust treatment of people due to their membership within a certain social category
  • Stigma
    The feeling of shame or disgrace experienced by an individual for a characteristic that differentiates them from others
  • Mental wellbeing
    An individual’s current psychological state, involving their ability to think, process information, and regulate emotions