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    -       a process where we detect physical energy from the environment and encode it as neural signals
  • sense organ: eyes
    various senses: sight
    receptor cell: rods and cones in the retina
  • sense organ: earsvarious senses:  hearingreceptor cell: hair cells in the organ of corti
  • sense organ: tongue
    various senses: gustatory
    receptor cell: taste cells in the taste buds
  • sense organ: nose
    various senses: olfactory
    receptor cell: olfactory epithelium cells
  • sense organ: skin
    various senses: pressure, pain, warmth, cold
    receptor cell: subcutaneous adipose tissues
    -          divides the line between what energy can be detected or not
  • Absolute Thresholds
    -          the minimal amount of energy that can produce a sensation
  • Difference Thresholds
    -          tells about the minimum difference in the magnitude of two stimuli present
  • Just Noticeable Differences (jnd)
    -          the minimal amount by which a source of energy must be increased or decreased so that a difference in intensity will be perceives
    -          or positive adaptation
    -          process of becoming more sensitive to stimulation
    -          or negative adaptation
    -          process of becoming less sensitive to stimulation