Social Development

Cards (11)

    Erikson believed that personality development occurs through a combination of the
    effects of psychological processes which take place within individuals (psycho)
    and the experiences of individuals during their lifetimes, particularly their
    interaction with other people (social).
  • Psychosocial Development:
    Social development is the continuous, lifelong development of certain skills, attitudes,
    relationships, and behaviours that enable an individual to interact with others and to
    function as a member of society.
    Social development is an area of psychological development that is heavily influenced by the
    external world, hence why social development is experienced differently between
    individuals (Example: School)
  • Erikson (1950) developed a theory known as the psychosocial crises
  • Psychosocial crises
    Emphasises the interaction between social and psychological influences on development across the lifespan
  • Stages of development
    • Eight separate stages
  • Resolving psychosocial crises
    1. Face psychological crisis
    2. Balance tensions
  • Each crisis can lead to
    Positive or negative impacts on one’s social development
  • Each crisis involves a struggle between 2 opposing tendencies
  • Psychological crisis
    A tension point arising when there is conflict between an individual’s capabilities and personal desires, and the desire to meet the expectations of society
  • Erikson (1950) developed a theory known as the psychosocial crises, includes the following
    infant- trust and mistrust
    toddler- autonomy ( shame vs doubt )
    pre-schooler- initiative vs guilt
    primary schooler- industry vs inferiority
    adolescent- identity vs role confusion
    young adult- intimacy vs isolation
    middle age- generativity vs stagnation
    old age- integrity vs despair
  • Criticisms of Erikson’s
    Lack of experimental evidence
    Mainly based on case studies
    Hard to define terms eg ‘trust’ or ‘generativity’ (abstract terms + subjective)
    The theory primarily focussed on males
    Identity formation likely to continue past adolescence (think about the age one may experience an identity
    Many adults do not experience a ‘mid-life crisis’
    Does not consider influence of when and where people were born/grew up