Parents choose to live in an area with good schools to send their children to
Symbolic status
How individuals and groups interact and interpret cultural symbols
Compensatory education
Government education policies that seek to tackle the problem of under-achieving by providing extra support and funding to schools and families in deprived areas
Changes in attitudes to the traditional female role in society, increased participation and success of women caused traditional notions of femininity to be abandoned/redefined
Habitus, Bourdieu
Ways of thinking and acting being shared by a particular social class or group
Registered code, Bernstein
Refers to language and communication in different social classes in education
Gender domain
Tasks that boys and girls see as their "territory", e.g. if the subject area is health and nutrition girls would excel whereas if its car related boys would excel
Social mobility
The movement of a person from one social status to another
Symbolic violence
Non-physical violence manifested in the power differential between social groups