the endocrine system

    Cards (25)

    • Endocrine system
      The network of glands that manufacture and secrete hormones
    • Endocrine glands are all over the body including the brain
    • Endocrine glands
      Specialised groups of cells whose job it is to produce and secrete hormones
    • Gland
      Cells clumped together form a structure called a gland that releases chemical messengers called hormones into the bloodstream
    • Hormone
      Chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream influencing many different processes
    • Components of the endocrine system
      • Hypothalamus
      • Pituitary gland
      • Adrenal gland
      • Ovary
      • Testis
    • Hypothalamus
      Region of the brain controlling pituitary gland

    • negative feedback is when High levels of hormones from other glands can stop the hypothalamus and pituitary from releasing more of their own hormones
    • Pituitary gland
      Known as the master gland; primary function is to influence the release of hormones from all other glands which in turn regulates functions
    • Parts of the pituitary gland
      • Anterior
      • Posterior
    • ACTH
      Acts as a messenger activating other glands and stimulates adrenal glands to produce cortisol
    • LH and FSH
      Hormones that stimulate ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesterone in women and testes to produce testosterone and sperm in men
    • Oxytocin
      released by posterior pituitary gland and Stimulates uterus contraction during childbirth
    • Target cells
      Have receptor cells that respond to specific hormones
    • Adrenal gland
      Made up of two distinct parts: adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
    • Adrenal cortex
      Produces cortisol which regulates and supports a variety of bodily functions
    • Cortisol
      Regulates low blood pressure, poor immune function, and inability to deal with stress
    • Adrenal medulla
      Produces adrenaline and noradrenaline needed for fight or flight
    • Adrenaline
      Helps body respond to stressful situations by increasing heart rate and blood flow to muscles and brain (to speed up conversion rate of glycogen for energy)
    • Noradrenaline
      Constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure
    • Ovary
      Part of the female reproductive system responsible for egg production and secretes the hormones oestrogen and progesterone
    • Testis
      Secretes the hormone testosterone
    • Testosterone
      Causes development of male characteristics, sex drive, maintains muscle strength, and sperm production
    • The anterior pituitary gland produces LH and FSH and ACTH
    • low cortisol levels cause low blood pressure, poor immune function and inability to cope with stress
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