Shows us how likely it is that the patterns found in descriptive statistics are down to chance
Therefore it tells us the probability of the difference/relationship found happening by chance alone
What is the level of significance?
The probability of the results being down to chance that researchers are willing to accept when deciding if they can accept their hypothesis
Usually 0.05 (5%) in psychology
= probability of making an error when deciding to accept hypothesis is a 1 in 20 chance
Balances likelihood of Type 1 and Type 2 errors -> minimises possibility of both
What is a Type 1 error?
False positive
Accepting the alternative hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true -> apparent difference/relationship is just down to chance
What is a Type 2 error?
False negative
Accepting the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is true -> results were just down to chance
What is the level of significance used when trying to limit the chance of a Type 1 error?
0.01 (1%)
Used when dealing with small samples + controversial/socially sensitive areas of research
However also increases chance of making a Type 2 error
What are levels of data measurement?
The way of describing/classifying the nature of values being used to record variables
Describes the operationalisation used on variables
Some ways of counting/recording variables = more precise than others = they can have more meaningful info about the difference/relationship being investigated
What are the 3 levels of data measurement?
(In order from most to least sensitive)
What is nominal data?
Categorical data
No quantitative value of its own
Counts number of items in groups separated by name/category
What is ordinal level data?
Data on a scale where the values exist in a relative order
Can be ranked scales/score on a subjectively created scale
Relative order of values in scale matter but not the difference between them -> not a set interval = cannot be meaningfully compared
What is interval level data?
An objective scale which has values at fixed points of equal distance from each other
Allows for meaningful comparisons to be made between points on the scale
Nominal data -> pros and cons
Useful when data needs to be counted/cannot be scored
Increases reliability
Large amounts of questions can be collected quickly
Least sensitive level of data measurement = harder to manipulate + reveals less info regarding patterns in data
Can only use the mode as a measure of central tendency
Ordinal data -> pros and cons
Useful when data is on a continuous scale/being subjectively ranked or created
Not as sensitive as interval data = reveals less info regarding patterns in data
Gaps between values aren't equal = mean cannot be used to assess central tendency
Interval data -> pros and cons
Useful -> most sensitive level of data measurement because equal, fixed intervals on a scale make data easier to manipulate to find meaningfulpatterns
Scientific measures used to record distance between values
Highly reliable
Not suitable for nominal or ordinal data
What are the 3 questions we need to ask to choose the right stats test?
Am I looking for a relationship or a difference?
What is the level of data measurement?
Is the data related or unrelated? (does it use the same ppts or diff. ones?)
What are the 2 stats tests for nominal data expressing a relationship of difference?
Related: BinomialSign test
Unrelated: Chi-Squared X²
What are the 2 stats tests for ordinal data expressing a relationship of difference?
Related: Wilcoxons T test
Unrelated: Mann-Whitney U
What are the 2 stats tests for interval data expressing a relationship of difference?
Related: r test
Unrelated: t test
What is the stats test for nominal data expressing a correlation?
Chi-Square X²
What is the stats test for ordinal data expressing a correlation?
Spearman'sp (or Spearman's rho)
What is the stats test for interval data expressing a correlation?
What is the mnemonic to remember the order of the stats test?
Carrots Should Come
Mashed With Swede
Under Roast Potatoes
How does a stats test show that results are significant?
Putting raw results into statstest = calculatedvalue
Must compare calculated value with criticalvalue
How do we find the critical value from a table in an exam question about a stats test?