Lesson 1 & 2: Introduction to Self- Understanding

Cards (175)

  • Who stated, "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"?
  • What does Statement No. 1 imply about our current identity?
    We are who we are right now because we want to be like this.
  • What does Statement No. 2 suggest about personal potential?
    We can be whatever or whoever we want to be.
  • How does Statement No. 3 describe the influence of others on self-perception?
    The way we view ourselves is heavily influenced by how others view us.
  • What does Statement No. 4 indicate about self-discovery?
    There are still many things that we haven't discovered about ourselves.
  • What is self-understanding according to the material?

    Self-understanding is a lifetime endeavor and involves awareness of one's own actions.
  • What is the origin of the word "personality"?

    It comes from the word "persona," which means "to sound through."
  • How is personality defined in the study material?
    Personality is defined as relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give consistency and individuality to a person's behavior.
  • What are the determinants of personality?
    1. Environmental Factors: Surroundings, neighborhood, school, workplace.
    2. Biological Factors: Hereditary factors, physical features, brain.
    3. Situational Factors: Behavior changes in different situations.
    4. Cultural Factors: Culture influences personality and learning.
  • What do personality traits reflect?
    Personality traits reflect people's characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • What does the Five-Factor Model of Personality refer to?
    The Five-Factor Model of Personality refers to a framework for understanding personality traits.
  • What does self-care mean according to the material?
    Self-care means being patient with and kind to yourself.
  • How is self-care described in the study material?
    Self-care is something we enjoy doing, not something we feel forced to do.
  • Who are some philosophers mentioned in the study material regarding the self?
    1. Socrates
    2. Plato
    3. St. Augustine
    4. Rene Descartes
    5. John Locke
    6. Sigmund Freud
    7. David Hume
    8. Immanuel Kant
    9. Gilbert Ryle
    10. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
    11. Paul and Patricia Churchland
  • What is the focus of philosophy as described in the material?
    Philosophy investigates the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
  • What are some questions philosophy seeks to answer?
    Philosophy seeks to answer questions about morality, the good life, and the existence of God.
  • Who was the first to use the term "philosophy"?
  • What was Socrates' main concern as a philosopher?
    Socrates was concerned with the problem of the self.
  • What does Socrates mean by "The unexamined life is not worth living"?
    It emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge and reflection.
  • What is the Socratic Method?
    The Socratic Method is a method of inquiry consisting of a series of questions to elicit clear expressions of knowledge.
  • How does Socrates define the self?
    Socrates defines the self as a dichotomous entity composed of body and soul.
  • What are the two realms according to Socrates?
    The physical realm (body) and the ideal realm (soul).
  • What does Plato's philosophy of the self emphasize?
    It emphasizes self-knowledge and the purification of the soul.
  • What are the three components of the soul according to Plato?
    Reason, appetite, and spirit.
  • What is St. Augustine known for in relation to the self?
    He is characterized as Christianity's first theologian and emphasized the unity of body and soul.
  • What are the two realms of human nature according to St. Augustine?
    God as the source of all reality and truth, and the sinfulness of man.
  • Who is known as the Father of Modern Philosophy?
    Rene Descartes
  • What is the principle associated with Rene Descartes?
    "Cogito, ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am."
  • How does Descartes define the self?
    The self is a combination of the mind (cogito) and the body (extenza).
  • What does John Locke's concept of "Tabula Rasa" refer to?
    It refers to the mind's blank state before receiving outside impressions.
  • What is the significance of consciousness according to John Locke?
    Consciousness is essential for personal identity and awareness of thinking.
  • What controversial claim did David Hume make about the self?

    He claimed that there is no self.
  • What are "impressions" and "ideas" according to David Hume?
    "Impressions" are basic sensations, while "ideas" are copies of impressions.
  • What is Sigmund Freud known for in relation to the self?
    He is known for his dualistic view of the conscious and unconscious self.
  • What governs the conscious self according to Freud?
    The conscious self is governed by the reality principle.
  • What governs the unconscious self according to Freud?

    The unconscious self is governed by the pleasure principle.
  • What did Gilbert Ryle contribute to the understanding of the self?
    He viewed the self as a pattern of behavior and disposition to behave in certain ways.
  • What is Immanuel Kant known for in relation to the self?
    Kant argued that the self is essential for consciousness and understanding reality.
  • What is the essence of consciousness according to Kant?
    Transcendental Apperception is the essence of consciousness that helps establish the notion of self.
  • What did Maurice Merleau-Ponty argue about the mind/body problem?
    He argued that the division between mind and body is a product of confused thinking.