comparisons : determinism

    Cards (6)

    • behaviourist approach (deterministic)

      It sees all behaviour as being environmentally determined by external influences.
    • biological approach (deterministic)

      It uses genetic determinism as it suggests that behaviour is influenced by innate factors.
    • psychodynamic approach (deterministic)

      It suffers from psychic determinism as it suggests all behaviour is affected by unconscious forces.
    • cognitive approach (soft determinism)

      It suggests that we can choose our thoughts but the choices can only operate within limits.
    • social learning theory (reciprocial determinsm)

      It suggests as well as being influenced by our environment we also exert some influence over our environment through the behaviours we choose to perform.
    • humanistic approach (not deterministic)

      It assumes that humans have free will and they act as active agents who determine their own development
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