This is the breakdown of excess protein in the liver.The NH2 group is converted to amonia then to urea and is excreted as urine by the liver.The COOH group is oxidised to prodconverteduce heat and energy
cannot be easily aborbed by the body - ferric iron
source - leafy green vegetables
meal plan guideline for people with oesteoporosis
include clacium to sstrengthen bones + teeth eg milk +yogurt
Include vitamin D to abosrb the calcium and strenghten bones eg oily fish
plant - soya bean = TVP
micro-organisms - fungi= Quorn
lactic acid bacteria
Changes lactose into lactic acid .This acts as a preservative and adds flavour
Changes caseinogen into casein, ,coagulating the milk proteins and forming curds
Bacteria/Salmonella - raw chicken = food poisoning
Pesticides - sprayed on vegetables = repiratory problems
Infectious food posioning
Eating food that contains bacteria that produces endotoxins. Easily destroyed by cooking temperatures .Released when bacterial cells die . eg. salmonella - E.coli
Toxic food poisoning
Eating food that contains bacteria that produces exotoxins.Difficult to destroy -boil for 30 minutes. Produced before or after food is eaten eg .Clostridium Botulinum
Pectin - Sets jam into a gel like substance .Ripe fruit contains pectin.Acid helps to relaese pectin from fruit cell walls
Heat- Boilling at 100 degree C destorys bacteria + inactivates enzymes