Presentation of Data

    Cards (12)

    • What are the different methods for presenting and displaying data?
      Graphs, tables, scattergrams, bar charts, histograms, and distributions
    • What type of data is represented in bar charts?
      Discrete data
    • What do scattergrams show us?

      Associations or correlations between variables
    • What are the types of correlations shown in scattergrams?
      • Positive Correlation
      • No Correlation
      • Negative Correlation
    • What characterizes a normal distribution?
      A symmetrical arrangement of data forming a bell-shaped pattern with the mean, median, and mode at the center
    • What is a positive skew in a distribution?
      A distribution where most participants score low marks, leaving a tail of anomalous high scorers
    • How does the mean behave in a positively skewed distribution?
      The mean is pulled to the right by the higher scores being the minority
    • What is a negative skew in a distribution?
      A distribution where most participants score very highly, leaving a tail of anomalous low scorers
    • How does the mean behave in a negatively skewed distribution?
      The mean is pulled to the left by the lower scores being the minority
    • What is a key feature of histograms?
      The bars touch to indicate that the data is continuous
    • What should you do when observing data from a balcony for a study?
      • Think of something to observe
      • Consider two things to compare
      • Assess these for a correlation
      • Record raw data in a table
    • What is the purpose of drawing conclusions after observing data?
      To analyze the observations and identify patterns or correlations
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