Milroy Belfast study

Cards (7)

  • Milroy and Milroy
    concluded a higher social network contained more non standard forms
  • what is a criticism of milroy study?
    only looked at one community so didn't consider other communities
  • Milroyandmilroy suggest which gender has a dense network
    Men have dense, closed networks. They use a high number of non-standard forms. Women have less dense and open networks. They use a much smaller number of non-standard forms.
  • Which study challenges milroy in Belfast
    A study of the Clonard women and Hammer men in Belfast challenges these findings.
  • What did study in Belfast find
    This study found that due to a rise in unemployment, men had to travel out of the community to find a job and the women all ended up working together in the town.
  • Which gender looking at clonard women at hammer men in Belfast found uses closed networks and open networks 

    As a result, the men ended up with quite open networks and women ended up with quite a closed network.
  • Milroy looked at the 

    Non Standard pronunciation of a