detecting ovulation

Cards (9)

  • Determine time of ovulation to abstain from sexual intercourse of days when fertilisation is most likely (periodic abstinence
  • Not particularly reliable
    • Rely on keeping careful records
    • Difficult to have sex according to a calendar rather than desire 
    Possible to achieve low pregnancy rates if motivated and properly trained
  • Rhythm method 
    Based on the egg being available for fertilisation during a period of 3-5 day each menstrual cycle 
  • Rhythm method
    Ovulation is likely 14th day (in 28-day cycle) 
    Egg can survive only 2 days unless fertilised
    Sperm can survive for 4 days at most 
    Sexual intercourse should not occur 4 days before and after ovulation
  • Rhythm method
    Most women do not have exact same cycle each month or exactly 28 days 
    Used in combination with other methods
  • Temperature method 
    Sharp drop in body temperature then rise when ovulation occurs
    Take body temperature each morning to determine time of ovulation more accurately 
    Can safely have sex three days after temperature rise 
  • Mucus method 
    Probable time of ovulation is predicted by observing change in mucus of cervix 
  • Mucus method
    Immediately after menstruation, tissue of vaginal entrance feel dry
    Approaching ovulation, mucus can be detected
    • First is cloudy and sticky
    • Cervix secretes more, clearer, feels slippery and strands will stretch without breaking 
    Day of ovulation, peak of clear mucus
    Becomes cloudy afterwards 
    Intercourse safe when no mucus, 3+ days after last day of clear mucus 
  • Symptothermal method
    Rhythm method and combination of temperature and mucus 

    Fertility Monitor has been developed to measure changes in body temperature and cervical mucus