Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Cards (7)

  • The entire life of Jesus concretely shows the Holy Spirit at work.
  • The Holy Spirit had prepared Mary to become His mother and it was with her in the visitation.
  • Simeon was filled with the Holy Spirit when he had the revelation that he would see the Messiah in his lifetime. It had led him at the right time to see the Baby Jesus.
  • Jesus, at the age of twelve, was filled with the spirit upon going to the temple in observance of the Passover Feast and staying behind unbeknownst to his parents who found him chatting with the teachers.
  • Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit during his baptism at river Jordan. The heavens opened and the Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove. A voice came from heaven and said "You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased".
  • The Holy Spirit was seen at work up until Christ's Paschal Mystery.
  • Jesus' ministry began and continued with the Holy Spirit.