Psychosexual stages

    Cards (33)

    • Freud believed that children are born with a libido - a sexual (pleasure) urge
    • There are a number of stages of childhood during which the child seeks pleasure from a different object
    • To be psychologically healthy we must successfully complete each stage
    • Mental abnormality can occur if a stage is not completed successfully - the person becomes ‘ fixated
    • What is the age range for the oral stage of development according to Freud?
      Birth to 18 months
    • What is the main focus of pleasure during the oral stage?
      The mouth
    • What activities do children enjoy during the oral stage?
      Tasting and sucking
    • What demonstrates successful completion of the oral stage?
      Weaning and eating independently
    • What could result from failure to complete the oral stage successfully?
      Oral receptive or oral aggressive traits
    • What are characteristics of an oral receptive individual?
      Passive, needy, sensitive to rejection, overeats, bites nails
    • What are characteristics of an oral aggressive individual?
      Hostile, verbally abusive, and sarcastic
    • What is the age range for the anal stage of development according to Freud?
      18 months to 3 years
    • What is the main source of pleasure during the anal stage?

    • What marks successful completion of the anal stage?
      Potty training
    • What could result from failure to complete the anal stage successfully?
      Becoming anally retentive or anally expulsive
    • What are characteristics of an anally retentive individual?
      Very tidy, stubborn, likes order and being in control
    • What are characteristics of an anally expulsive individual?
      Generous but disorganized, doesn't like to follow rules
    • What is the age range for the phallic stage according to Freud?
      Ages 3-5
    • What is the main source of pleasure during the phallic stage?
      The child's genitals
    • What is the resolution of the Oedipus or Electra complex?
      Successful completion of the phallic stage
    • What is the Oedipus complex?

      A boy's desire for his mother and rivalry with his father
    • According to Freud, who does a boy identify with to resolve castration anxiety?
      His father
    • What does the boy develop as a result of identifying with his father?
      His superego
    • What happens when the Oedipus complex is resolved?
      The boy is no longer sexually attracted to his mother
    • What is the Electra complex?
      A girl's rivalry with her mother and attraction to her father
    • What is "penis envy" in the context of the Electra complex?
      A girl's realization that she does not have a penis like her father
    • How does a girl resolve her feelings towards her mother in the Electra complex?
      By identifying with her mother
    • What is the latency stage and its age range?
      The latency stage occurs from age 6 to puberty
    • What happens to sexual urges during the latency stage?
      They are sublimated into sports and hobbies
    • What is the focus of development during the latency stage?
      Developing same-sex friendships
    • What is the genital stage and its age range?
      The genital stage occurs from puberty into adulthood
    • What is the primary task during the genital stage?
      To develop healthy adult relationships
    • What happens if the genital stage has unresolved conflict?
      A person will struggle to form heterosexual relationships
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