Fisher Progection Formula

Cards (18)

  • Fischer projection formulas
    • a method for giving molecular chirality specifications in two dimensions.
    • a two-dimensional structural notation for showing the spatial arrangement of groups about chiral centers in molecules.
    • Carbon - a chiral center, is represented as
    the intersection of vertical and horizontal
    • Functional groups of high priority will be
    written at top
  • D and L system - used to designate the handedness of glyceraldehyde enantiomers

    D - right yung OH; L - left yung OH and magiging HO s’ya sa left kasi yung hydrogen ay hindi na pwede mag bond kaya yung O ang nasa malapit sa gitna
    A) L
    B) d
  • D and L system
    A) cho
    B) cho
    C) ho
    D) h
    E) h
    F) oh
    G) ch2oh
    H) ch2oh
  • Tetrahedral Arrangements
    - The four groups attached to the atom at the chiral
    center assume a tetrahedral geometry and it is
    governed by the following convention:
    • Vertical lines - from the chiral center
    represent bonds to groups directed INTO the
    printed page.
    • Horizontal lines - from the chiral center
    represent bonds to groups directed OUT of the
    printed page.
  • The DL system - used to designate the
    handedness of glyceraldehyde enantiomers
    can be extended to other monosaccharides
    with more than one chiral center
    • Epimers - diastereomers whose molecules
    differ only in the configuration at one chiral
  • The DL system - used to designate the
    handedness of glyceraldehyde enantiomers
    can be extended to other monosaccharides
    with more than one chiral center
    The carbon chain is numbered starting at the
    carbonyl group end of the molecule, and the
    highest-numbered chiral center is used to
    determine D or L configuraton
  • Two Types:
    Dextrorotatory - Chiral compound that rotates
    light towards right (clockwise; +)
    Levorotatory - Chiral compound that rotates
    light towards left (counterclockwise; -)
  • Monosaccharides - are often classified by both
    their number of carbon atoms and their functional
  • Aldohexose - six-carbon monosaccharide with
    an aldehyde functional group (6 carbons)
    Ketopentose - five-carbon monosaccharide with
    a ketone functional group (5 carbons)
    • D glucose - is the most abundant in nature
    and the most important from a human
    nutritional standpoint.
  • D Fructose - is biochemically the most important ketohexose. It is also known as levulose and fruit sugar.
  • d fructose is also known as - levulose and fruit sugar
  • D-Galactose
    1.Milk sugar
    2.Synthesize in human
    3.Used to differentiate between blood types
    4.Six membered cyclic form
  • D-Ribose
    1. Part of RNA
    2. Part of ATP
    3. Part of DNA
    4. Five membered cyclic form
  • 2 forms of D-glucose:

    Alpha form: -OH of C1 and CH2OH of C5
    are on opposite sides
    Beta form: -OH of C1 and CH2OH of C5 are
    on same sides

    A cyclic monosaccharide containing a six-
    atom ring is called a pyranose, and one
    containing a five-atom ring is called
    furanose because their ring structures resemble the ring structures in the cyclic ethers pyran and furan respectively.
  • 2 forms of d-glucose
    1. alpha form
    2. beta form