Psychology & Economy

    Cards (8)

    • what 5 ways can psychology impact the economy
      1. cost to NHS/reduce costs (through development of new medication)
      2. reduction of days off work
      3. more productivity at work
      4. more people in work, earning = more tax contributions
      5. benefits may be permitted/denied to certain groups
    • what have early attachment studies shown

      bowlby = role of mother is the caregiver & father isn't as vital
    • what have recent attachment studies shown
      children should form multiple attachments & the both parents are capable of providing emotional support
    • how does recent attachment research have an impact on the economy
      may promote more flexible working arrangements in the family e.g. getting women back to work & contributing to the economy BUT bowlby's ideas may contribute to the gender pay gap (norm for women to stay home & men to go to work)
    • how much does absence from work cost the economy
      £15 billion per year
    • what did a recent government report find
      1/3 of all absences are caused by mild to moderate mental health disorders
    • how do absences from work impact the economy
      research into causes & treatments of mental illness means sufferers are more able to manage their condition effectively and return to work
    • research into eyewitness testimonies made us aware of the impact of misleading info, anxiety & development of the cognitive interview - how does this impact the economy
      saves the economy money buy putting less wrong convictions into prison (£44,600)
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