Cards (9)

    • What is inferential statistics?

      Allows us to draw conclusions or making predictions about data.
    • What is the calculated value?

      Is the output of the test - whichever sign (+ or -) is fewest.
    • To identify the critical value, we need the following information:
      • Is it a one-tailed (directional) or two-tailed test (non-directional)?
      • What is the p value?
    • What is the conventional P value?

    • What is the n value? 

      The number of participants, not including those who experience no change.
    • Reject the null hypothesis if the calculated value is less than or equal to the critical value. (accept the research hypothesis).
    • What is the critical value?

      The point at which you stop accepting the null hypothesis and start accepting the research hypothesis.
    • Carrots, Should, Come, Mashed, With, Swede, Under, Roast, Potato,
    • Chi-square, Sign, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Spearman's Rho, unrelated t-test, related t-test, Pearson's r
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