Cards (13)

  • who proposed the working memory model?
    baddeley & hitch in 1974
  • what is the working memory model?
    how short-term memory functions when working on a task
  • what are the 4 main components of the WMM?
    1. central executive
    2. phonological loop
    3. visuospatial sketchpad
    4. episodic buffer
  • outline the role of the central executive
    allocates "slave" systems to tasks
  • what's the capacity of the central executive?
    very limited
  • explain the role of the phonological loop
    • deals with auditory information
    1. phonological store - words you hear
    2. articulatory process - reciting words
  • how is the phonological loop coded?
  • what's the capacity of the articulatory process of the phonological loop?
    2 seconds
  • outline the role of the visuospatial sketchpad
    • stores visual and spatial information
    1. visual cache - stores visual data
    2. inner scribe - records arrangement of objects
  • what's the capacity of the visuospatial sketchpad?
    3 to 4 objects
  • outline the role of the episodic buffer
    integrates visual, spatial and verbal information
    • maintains time sequencing
    • links working memory to LTM and perception
  • what's the capacity of the episodic buffer?
    4 chunks
  • evaluate the working memory model
    • KF had his phonological loop damaged but visuospatial sketchpad worked, supports WMM

    • baddeley found performing two task simultaneously was difficult which shows different systems for types of information

    • central executive has unknown functions so WMM lacks clarity