
    Cards (7)

    • what is concurrent validity
      • A means of establishing validity by Comparing current method with a validated existing test 
      • Participants given both at same time and scores compared (should be similiar)
    • what is face validity
      • Face validity is the extent to which test items looks like what the test claims to measure
      • only requiring intuitive measurement
      • eg.are the questions on a stress questionnare related to stress
    • validity definition
      refers to whether an observed effect is a genuine one and whether a test actually measure what it claims to measure
    • internal validity problems
      1. investigator effects
      2. demand characteristics
      3. confounding variables
      4. social desirability bias
      5. poorly operationalised behavioural categories
    • improvements for face and concurrent
      bad face= questions should be revised so they relate more obviously to the topic
      bad concurrent= researcher should remove questions which seem irrelevant and check again
    • how to improve internal external validity
      improve research design eg. using double blind experiments
    • reasons for bad external validity
      • sample bias- some population have more chance being selected
      • not a representative sample
      • artificial or contrived environment
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