Psychodynamic Approach

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    • An instinct is an unreflective urge within members of a species that is present from birth (though it may get weaker or stronger); instincts can be restrained by willpower, trained or encouraged by provocation and frustration
    • The conscious mind is the part of the mind we are aware of; it contains the thoughts we are currently thinking at any given moment
    • The pre-conscious mind is the part of the mind we are occasionally aware of e.g. aggressive urges
    • The unconscious mind is the rest of the psyche that we are unaware of; this contains powerful aggressive urges that would frighten and shock us if we ever became consciously aware of them
    • The id exists entirely in the unconscious mind, based on the 'pleasure principle', it does not understand logic; if the id is denied its pleasures, it becomes frustrated, this can lead to aggressive urges
    • The ego exists in the conscious mind, based on the 'reality principle', because it understands the outside world; the ego balances the conflicting demands of the id and superego
    • The superego is present in the unconscious and conscious mind, based on the 'moral principle'; aggression is destructive so the superego opposes the id's aggressive drive through shame and guilt
      The superego is just as irrational and punishing as the id
    • Defence mechanisms are unconscious strategies that the ego uses to manage conflict between the id and superego:
      • Repression- forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind
      • Denial- refusing the acknowledge some aspect of reality
      • Displacement- transferring feelings from true sources of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
    • Psychosexual stages:
      Oral (birth-1y)- focus of pleasure is the mouth and mother's breast is object of desire; child needs to become more independent from caregiver
      Anal (1-3y)- primary focus of libido is controlling bladder/ bowel movements, pleasure by controlling bowel movements; if parents punish, ridicule, or shame a child for accidents, destructive personality will develop (perfectionist, obsessive or messy)
      Phallic (3-6y)- primary focus of libido is on the genitals; Electra/ Oedipus complex; child will develop a phallic personality (narcissistic, reckless and possibly homosexual)
    • Psychosexual stages:
      Latent (6-puberty)- superego continues to develop while id's energies are supressed; fixation at this stage results in immaturity and inability to form fulfilling relationships as an adult
      Genital (puberty-death)- ego and superego fully formed and functioning; sexual desires become conscious alongside onset of puberty; fixation causes homosexual relationships to take place
    • S- Real-world application:
      Psychotherapy introduced as opposed to physical treatment. Freud brought a new form of therapy- psychoanalysis- the first attempt to treat mental disorders psychologically rather than physically. Range of techniques designed to access unconscious e.g. dream analysis. Psychoanalysis paved the way for modern 'talking therapies' like counselling. Shows the value of psychodynamic approach in creating new approach to treatment
    • S-Research support:
      Biskup et al.(2005) reported a naturalistic study of 36 patients demonstrating that at the end of psychoanalytic therapy, 77% showed clinically significant improvements.
      Bachrach et al.(2000) conducted meta-analyses of major studies of effectiveness of psychoanalytic treatment; found all studies show psychoanalysis is effective for patients.
      Suggests despite lack of empirical support for psychodynamic theories, psychodynamic treatments are effective at treating a range of psychological disorders.
    • W-Gender bias:
      Freud's obsession with the Oedipus complex is intensely focused, this makes them irrelevant to understanding women. Melanie Klein showed gender-biased theories can be adapted to provide useful insights into female behaviour. Freud's original ideas demonstrate gender bias, but used to develop more important theories that are relevant to women
    • W-Culturally biased:
      Freud's patients were Viennese middle-class, universal generalisations were based on a highly unrepresentative sample. Called his therapy the "talking cure", there is considerable evidence suggesting it is only suitable for cultures were discussion of personal problems is encouraged. Doubt on the effectiveness of any therapeutic approach, for other cultures, based on psychanalytic ideas
    • W-Culturally biased:
      Freud's patients were Viennese middle-class, universal generalisations were based on a highly unrepresentative sample. Called his therapy the "talking cure", there is considerable evidence suggesting it is only suitable for cultures were discussion of personal problems is encouraged. Doubt on effectiveness of any therapeutic approach, for other cultures, based on psychoanalytic ideas
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