communicable disease : malaria

Cards (28)

  • in 2016 200 million cases of malaria occurred globally
  • children under 5 account for 80% of malaria deaths
  • links to socio-economic environment for malaria:
    • overcrowded = spread of disease
    • unsanitary conditions in community e.g standing dirty water , encourage more mosquitoes
    • job - farm workers , irrigation workers
  • malaria parasite needs temp of 16-32 degrees to develop
  • female anopheles spreads malaria parasite
  • mosquitoes breed in warm areas of stagnant water , common in flat lowland marshy areas
  • malaria cases decrease at altitudes over 1500m , reason why some tropical areas are unaffected such as the Kenyan Highlands
  • symptoms of malaria:
    • fever
    • headache
    • chills
    • vomitting
  • malaria impacts on wellbeing:
    • ill off school and work - affects household income
    • expensive - pay doctors fees , buy drugs , transport to hospitals
    • creates nutritional deficencies and anaemia in women in malarial regions - 25% of first born have low birth weight
  • management and mitigation strategies for malaria:
    • insect nets, bug spray
    • chemoprevention prevents blood infections in humans
    • ACTS (artemisinin-based combination therapies) are used on those that might have malaria
  • 3.3 billion people (40% of worlds population) in 100 countries are at risk of being infected with malaria
  • occurs in areas of rainforest and savanna grasslands with at least 100mm of rain per year
  • 90% of all malaria deaths occur in the WHO African region
  • malaria parasite needs temps of 16 - 32 degrees to develop
  • the female Anopheles spreads malaria parasite
  • malaria endemic - constant number of malaria cases throughout the year
  • malaria seasons - peaks of mosquito cases coinciding with monsoon seasons and high humidity
  • mosquitos breed in warm areas of stagnant water , common in flat lowland marshy areas
  • drainage of stagnant water has resulted in less malaria cases e.g in Southern France and Coastal Spain
  • malaria cases decrease at altitudes at 1500m - hence why some tropical areas are unaffected , such as kenyan highlands
  • chemoprevention can prevent blood infections in humans
  • LLIN - long-lasting insect nets
  • IRS - indoor residual spray
  • mainly occurs in tropical regions
  • what is Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) used for?
    to spray the inside walls of a building to prevent mosquitos
  • cons of using IRS
    • expensive
    • may be repeated several times a year
    • mosquitos can evolve and become resistant to them
    • chemicals used in them e.g DDT can cause cancer and miscarriages
  • 2 ways of mitigating and managing malaria
    • anti-malarial drugs e.g Malarone or vaccines
    • improving diagnoses for prompt treatment
  • why does management and mitigation strategies not always work for malaria?
    majority of people affected the most by malaria live in rural areas with limited access to healthcare