
    Cards (53)

    • What should students be able to explain regarding airway resistance and pulmonary compliance?

      How changes in airway resistance and pulmonary compliance lead to obstructive and restrictive ventilatory pathologies.
    • What characteristic lung function parameters should students recognize?
      Parameters in obstructive and restrictive ventilatory pathology.
    • What do students need to describe regarding medications for airway diameter?
      The pharmacodynamics of main classes of medications used to increase airway diameter.
    • What physiological aspects should be included when discussing medications for airway diameter?

      Reference to their underlying physiology including various drug classes.
    • How does turbulent airflow affect breath sounds?
      Turbulent airflow leads to breath sounds, with stridor and wheeze affected by inspiration/expiration.
    • What are the four classic respiratory mechanisms of hypoxaemia?
      Shunt, V/Q mismatch, diffusion impairment, hypoventilation.
    • What are the four main mechanisms by which an airway lumen is narrowed?

      External compression, intrinsic narrowing, mucosal inflammation, airway collapse.
    • What is the pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 respiratory failure?

      Type 1 is primarily a failure of gas exchange, while type 2 is primarily a failure of ventilation.
    • What is the definition of ventilation?
      Ventilation is the movement of gases between the external environment and the alveolus.
    • What is gas exchange?

      Gas exchange is the movement of gases between the alveolus and the pulmonary capillaries.
    • What characterizes the work of breathing?
      The work of breathing is characterized by overcoming compliance and resistance.
    • How does decreasing compliance affect ventilatory defects?

      Decreasing compliance leads to restrictive defects.
    • How does increasing resistance affect ventilatory defects?

      Increasing resistance leads to obstructive defects.
    • What are the characteristics of obstructive and restrictive ventilatory disorders?

      • Obstructive disorders: characterized by airway obstruction.
      • Restrictive disorders: characterized by a functional reduction in lung volume.
    • What is indicated by a lower FEV1 in obstructive spirometry?

      Obstructed airways can't blow out as much in one second.
    • What happens to the FEV1/FVC ratio in obstructive disorders?

      The FEV1/FVC ratio is lower.
    • What is the FVC in obstructive disorders?

      The FVC is unchanged or changes very little.
    • What does a flow volume loop indicate in obstructive defects?

      The expiratory flow rate is blunted, and the volume expired remains constant or only mildly reduced.
    • What happens to the PEFR as the severity of obstructive defects increases?

      The PEFR drops as severity increases.
    • What is indicated by a lower FVC in restrictive spirometry?

      The FVC is now lower compared to obstructive spirometry.
    • How does the FEV1 behave in restrictive disorders?

      The FEV1 is normally a little lower but may only be mildly reduced.
    • What happens to the FEV1/FVC ratio in restrictive disorders?

      The FEV1/FVC ratio tends to stay the same or can even be higher.
    • What is the shape of the expiratory flow rate in restrictive disorders?

      The expiratory flow rate is not blunted in its shape.
    • What causes stridor and wheeze?

      Stridor is caused by narrowing outside of the thorax, while wheeze is caused by narrowing inside the thorax.
    • How does greater expiratory effort affect intrapleural pressure?

      It increases positive intrapleural pressure, compressing small intrathoracic airways further and limiting expiratory flow.
    • What effect does greater inspiratory effort have on bronchiolar diameter?

      It helps increase bronchiolar diameter, improving airflow.
    • What is the typical treatment for type 1 respiratory failure?

      Typically treated with CPAP to keep alveoli open and improve gas exchange.
    • What is the typical treatment for type 2 respiratory failure?

      Typically treated with BiPAP to improve ventilation.
    • What defines respiratory failure?

      It is defined by having a low partial pressure of oxygen in the blood (<8 kPa).
    • What is the PaO2 and PaCO2 in type 1 respiratory failure?

      PaO2 is decreased (below 8 kPa) and PaCO2 is normal or low (below 6.7 kPa).
    • What is the PaO2 and PaCO2 in type 2 respiratory failure?

      PaO2 is decreased (below 8 kPa) and PaCO2 is increased (above 8 kPa).
    • What are the classic causes of hypoxaemia?
      V/Q mismatch, hypoventilation, failure of diffusion, and shunt.
    • What is the role of the sympathetic nervous system in airway management?

      It dilates airways via muscle relaxation.
    • What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in airway management?

      It narrows airways via muscle constriction.
    • What are beta 2 agonists used for?

      They stimulate β2 receptors to dilate airways.
    • What are the two types of beta 2 agonists?

      Short-acting (SABA) and long-acting (LABA).
    • What is the role of corticosteroids in airway management?

      They dampen inflammation and can be inhaled or given orally.
    • What is the role of methylxanthines in airway management?

      They can relax smooth muscle and reduce inflammation in severe obstructive disease.
    • What is the role of magnesium in airway management?

      It can relax smooth muscle and is limited to intravenous administration in acute attacks of asthma.
    • What are leukotriene receptor antagonists used for?

      They can reduce inflammation and are especially used in asthma, particularly in children.
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