social learning theory

    Cards (12)

    • what does Bandura's Social Learning Theory (SLT) propose about behaviour?
      we learn through the observation and imitation of others
    • what is required for indirect learning to occur according to SLT?
      an individual must observe the behaviour of others
    • under what condition are individuals likely to imitate observed behaviour?
      if the consequences of the behaviour seem to be positive
    • what is vicarious reinforcement?
      imitating behaviour after observing the model being rewarded
    • who are individuals more likely to imitate according to SLT?
      models that they identify with
    • what makes a person become a model in the eyes of an observer?
      possessing characteristics that the observer has or wishes to have
    • what does the mediational process refer to in SLT?
      the mental event that determines if a behaviour is worth imitating
    • free will vs determinism
      • soft determinism
      • behaviour is controlled by environmental forces
      • however humans have personal responsibility and free choice
    • nature vs nurture
      • nurture
      • behaviour is learnt from observation and vicarious reinforcement
    • reductionist vs holistic
      • partially reductionist
      • this approach shares elements of both the behaviourist and cognitive approach
    • idiographic vs nomothetic
      • nomothetic
      • attempts to establish general laws of behaviour e.g. vicarious reinforcement
    • is it scientific
      • mostly scientific
      • utilises scientific methods but also takes into account mediational processes
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