Regulation of Gene Expression (finished)

Cards (50)

  • Gene: a segment of DNA that is transcribed into RNA and its associated transcriptional control regions
  • Transcription factor: Protein capable of regulating transcription of a gene
  • DNA binding protein: Protein that forms a complex with DNA, may or may not have transactivating ability
  • Enhancer: DNA sequence that modulated DNA transcription in an orientation and location independent fashion
  • Activator: transcription factor that increases gene expression
  • Repressor: transcription factor that decreases gene expression
  • Helix-loop-helix: structural feature in transcription factors consisting of a helices bound by a looping stretch of amino acids
  • Zinc finger: transciption factor with a bound Zn atom associated with the protein that is required for the protein to achieve the proper confirmation to bind DNA and/or regulate transcription
  • Helix-turn-helix: DNA binding motif consisting of two alpha helices joined by a short stretch of amino acids
  • Leucine zipper: two proteins each with an alpha-helix (formed largely by consecutive leucine residues) form a Y-shaped coiled-coil structure. Results in both protein and DNA binding
  • Response Element: DNA sequence (in a promoter, enhancer, or silencer element that serves to bind transcriptional regulatory proteins
  • Topological Associated Domains (TAD): a segment of the chromosomal DNA that is bounded by insulator elements
    • Typically contained numerous gene
    • Looping within TADs facilitates the interaction between transcription factor-bound enhancers/silencers and promoters to determine the level of transcriptional activation and often the tissue-specificity of activation
  • Gene nomenclature is different between humans and mice
    • Human genes are all capitalized and italicized (i.e. LRP5)
    • Mice genes have the first letter capitalized and all letters italicized (i.e. Lrp5)
  • Letters of a gene name typically give clues as to the function of its encoded protein and how it's identified. Examples:
    • LRP5: LDL receptor-related protein 5
    • BMP4: bone morphongenetic protein 4
  • Gene expression: process of transcribing DNA chemical sequence code into RNA, then RNA is translated to protein
  • Not all genes encode for a protein but rather, they code for a functional RNA
  • Genes:
    • Are segments of DNA that are transcribed into RNA
    • Possess association regions that control how, when, where, and how much RNA is transcribed
  • All 23 chromosomes are throughout the body that can encode about 25,000 genes so...
    • All chromosomes and genes are in every cell of the body
    • But not every gene is expressed in every cell of the body
  • Housekeeping genes: carry out basic and general functions within the cell
    • Can encode for cells involved in metabolism
    • Found in almost every cell of the body
  • Hemoglobin is an example of genes with cell-type specific functions. Mature RBCs will expel their DNA after maturation
  • Importance of Gene Regulation:
    • Creating specialized functions
    • How the cell responds to environmrental change
    • Maintenance of tissue homeostasis (based on temp., pH, nutrience)
    • Morphogenesis (cell proliferation and adhesion)
    • Cell communication
    • Evolutionary adaptation (new traits/features)
    • Immune responses
  • Gene Regulatory Elements:
    • Promoters & transcriptional start sites
    • Enhancers
    • Silencers/repressor elements
    • Response elements
    • Insulators/boundary elements
    • CpG Islands
  • Promoters are like TATA boxes that help with the position of RNA polymerase
  • Enhancers often function far from the transcriptional start site but with enhance gene expression through transcription level/rate
  • Silencer/repressor elements with shut down or turn off gene expression
  • Response elements are specific sequences within enhancers or silencers that respond to signaling pathways and environmental cues
  • Insulators/Boundary Elements act like barriers to restrict action of enhancers/silencers to particular genes
  • CpG islands are stretches of DNA that have high concentration of CpG dinucleotides (cytosine followed by guanine) that are islands that are often targeted for methylation
  • To control gene expression, you need:
    • Core transcriptional machinery
    • Gene specific requirements
  • Proteins involved in regulating gene expression:
    • Activators
    • Repressors
    • Mediators and DNA binding proteins
    • Chromatin remodeling proteins
    • Histone acetylase/deacetylase
    • Histone methylation
    • DNA methylation
  • DNA is protected/wrapped by chromatin to prevent degradation, damage, and controls gene expression
  • There's 2 meters or 6 feet of DNA in every human cell
  • Histones are highly basic proteins that bind loosely to DNA
    • Five families of histones (linker, core)
    • Has lots of positively charged amino acids that can bind to negatively charged DNA
    • Responsible for wrapping DNA and opening chromatin - histones can control transcription factor access to gene regulatory elements
  • Histone tails contain modifications that determines whether chromatin is opened, if the transcription factor will interact, whether gene expression is turned on or off
    • Types: acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation
  • Acetylations occur on positive charges to start opening up and weakening chromatin
  • Histone methylation regulates interactions with DNA methyltransferases that methylate DNA at the CpG dinucleotides
  • Transcription factor DNA binding motifs:
    • Helix-loop-helix: alpha helices bound by looping stretch of amino acids
    • DNA binding zinc finger: alpha helix and beta sheet structure that have bound zinc metal ions
    • Helix-turn-helix: 2 alpha helices joined by a short amino acid sequence
    • Leucine zipper: 2 proteins with alpha-helix to form a Y-shaped coiled-coil structure
  • DNA is a right-handed helix
  • Helix-turn-helix motif has a recognition helix that binds to the major groove of DNA and usually forms hydrogen bonds
  • Transcription factors are very specific to where they bind