Asch Conformity Research

    Cards (11)

    • What was the aim of Asch's study?

      To investigate the effects of social influence on an individual's decision-making process
    • Asch's procedure for conformity research

      Recruit participants, assign to groups of 8, present with cards and lines, ask for shortest line, have one confederate give incorrect answer, record responses, repeat for 12 cards
    • Findings
      74% of participants conformed at least once, 26% of participants never conformed,participants conformed 32% of the time.
    • Asch’s Ethical Issues

      there was no informed consent, participants may have felt anxious, they were deceived
    • Generalisability
      all male, all American, is a weakness as females may have different conformity levels
    • Ecological validity
      Artificial setting, so they may have chose incorrect answer due to embarrassment but may not in real life situations
    • Waters and Hans (2009)

      1/3 of 3500 said that if voted privately they would have voted against the majority decision
    • Group size
      one confederate 3%, two confederates 13%, three to fifteen 32%
    • Unanimity
      conformity decreased to 5% when there was a dissenter.
    • Task difficulty
      Increased conformity when the task was more ambiguous
    • Supporting evidence
      Lucas at al 2006, found more conformed when problems were harder
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