Humanistic Approach

    Cards (17)

    • Free will is the ability to act at ones own discretion
    • Hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory proposed by Maslow, often displayed as a pyramid of needs
    • Self actualisation is the complete realization of ones potential, and the full development of ones abilities and appreciation for life
    • congruence is the match between the perceived self and the ideal self
    • unconditional positive regard is when the love and acceptance given by others is unconditional, the individual is accepted regardless of who they are or what they say or do
    • conditions of worth are conditions that significant others put upon the individual and they must achieve these if they are to be accepted or loved
    • Assumption 1:

      humans have free will
    • assumption 2:
      all individuals are unique and have innate drive to achieve their maximum potential
    • assumption 3:
      a proper understanding of human behaviour can only be achieve through studying humans
    • assumption 4:

      psychology should study the individual case rather than the average performance of groups
    • Hierarchy of needs:

      • physiological (e.g food, water, shelter)
      • safety (e.g health, familiy, employment)
      • loving (e.g friendship, family)
      • self-esteem (e.g confidence, achievement)
      • self-actualization (e.g morality, creativity)
    • if the gap between the ideal self and self concept is too big a state of incongruence will be experienced and self actualisation is not possible.
    • Client centered therapy:

      • a parent who places conditions of worth on their child is creating future psychological problems
      • therapists should provide clients with unconditional positive regard to help resolve conditions of worth and guide clients towards self actualisation
    • Evaluation 1:

      research support for conditions of worth, psychological issues arise because of conditions of worth
    • Evaluation 2:

      • conditions of worth may not be the cause of psychological problems
      • this contradicts what the humanistic approach would suggest is cause for depression
    • Evaluation 3:
      • rejects science
      • there is a scientific evidence for self actualisation and conditions of worth with most studies
    • Evaluation 4:
      • humanistic approach has limited practical applications
      • client centered therapy has revolutionized counselling and Maslows hierarchy of needs has been used to explain motivation, particularly in the workplace
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