the humanistic approach

    Cards (31)

    • What do most psychologists pride themselves on?
      Calling themselves scientists
    • How do cognitive and social learning theorists conduct their research?
      They conduct carefully controlled experiments
    • What is the main belief of humanists regarding scientific study in psychology?
      They reject the idea that psychology can be studied scientifically
    • What do humanists argue about psychological explanations?
      They argue that explanations tend to be simplistic
    • What do humanists believe is the only valid explanation for behavior?
      One that includes all factors influencing behavior
    • What are the three features of the Psych Boost app?
      • Flashcards
      • Multiple choice quizzes
      • Key term tester
    • What is the focus of humanistic psychology?
      How humans can perform at their best
    • Why do humanists reject the scientific method?
      They argue that humans are too complex to study scientifically
    • What assumption does science make about behaviors?
      That behaviors have identifiable causes
    • What do humanists believe about free will?
      They believe people can consciously decide their own behaviors
    • How do humanists view the explanations provided by other psychological approaches?
      They see them as reductionist and overly simplistic
    • What is a holistic explanation of behavior according to humanists?
      It considers multiple interacting factors influencing behavior
    • What is a limitation of conducting scientific research according to humanists?
      Experiments require altering just one independent variable
    • Why do humanists prefer case studies?
      They allow for understanding an individual's unique experience
    • What is a criticism of humanistic psychology regarding empirical evidence?
      Humanistic ideas are not operationalized and lack empirical support
    • What does self-actualization mean in humanistic psychology?
      Reaching one's full potential
    • What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
      • A pyramid visualizing the conditions needed for self-actualization
      • Levels include:
      1. Physiological
      2. Safety
      3. Love and belongingness
      4. Esteem
      5. Self-actualization
    • How does a father in a refugee camp prioritize needs according to Maslow's hierarchy?
      He first satisfies physiological needs before addressing safety
    • What does Carl Rogers say is necessary for self-actualization?
      Congruence between perceived self and ideal self
    • What happens if there is a gap between the ideal self and perceived self?
      The person is incongruent and cannot achieve self-actualization
    • What are two ways to become congruent according to Rogers?
      Aspire to a realistic ideal self and receive unconditional positive regard
    • What is client-centered therapy?
      • A humanistic approach to therapy
      • Focuses on present and future
      • Aims to help clients become congruent
      • Therapist provides unconditional positive regard
    • What are two evaluations of the humanistic approach discussed?
      It rejects science and offers a more valid holistic explanation
    • How is Maslow's hierarchy of needs applied outside psychology?
      It is used in business, sports, education, and healthcare
    • What is a criticism of the humanistic approach regarding cultural bias?
      It reflects a Western individualistic perspective
    • How might collectivist cultures view self-actualization differently?
      They may prioritize group success over individual achievement
    • Who is thanked for supporting the channel in the video?
      Azy Taylor
    • What resources are available to patrons of the channel?
      Exclusive exam questions and tutorial videos
    • How many hours of exclusive exam tutorial videos are available to patrons?
      Over 17 hours
    • What is the purpose of the Psych Boost app?
      To help students prepare for exams
    • What is the main focus of humanistic psychology?
      How humans can perform at their best
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