Psychology is predominately a white, Euro-American enterprise, in which 60% of psychology researchers are from the US and in some cases 90% of studies have white middle classUS individuals as their ppts.
(AO1) Define universality + refer it to psychology + fail
However, psychologists attempt to be universalists. This refers to when a theory is described as universal, as it can be applied to all people, irrespective of their gender and culture.
Conversely, psychologists bring to their research beliefs or values which they have personally been influenced by the social and historical contexts in which they live. Therefore, this can lead to biases within a number of investigations.
(AO1) Define ethnocentrism
Another factor that can limit universality is ethnocentrism = this occurs when a researcher assumes that their own culturallyspecificideas are 'natural' or 'right'.
Thus, when other cultures are observed to differ from the researcher's own, they may be regarded in a negative light e.g. 'primitive' or 'underdeveloped' or 'irrelevant'. These judgements made on differences can lead to a formation of stereotypes and racism.
(AO1) Connect x2 examples of gender bias
Ainsworth'sstrangesituation demonstrates ethnocentrism = ideal attachment type was secure, based on Americanideal of childrearing, assuming securely attached children should return to mother safebase and show joy on reunion with mother.
However, led researchers to view child-rearing practises in Germany (found by Grossman & Grossman) as inferior, practises highlight insecure attachment, favour independence young age, infants don't seek interpersonal contact from parents, no joy on reunion.
SS inappropriate for judging non-US children
(AO1) Define the x2 types of theoretical constructs + example + imposed etic
Emic = studies culturallyspecificbehaviours from within a culture.
Etic = seeks universal rules of behaviour for all people through studying from outside the culture
Imposed etic = researchers complete research in one culture and then assume that this is a universal behaviour, applying their findings beyond the culture they originally studied. E.g. Ainsworth's strange situation focusing on attachment types.
However, biases can occur when the two theoretical constructs are mistaken for each other.
(AO3) Limitation - validity- unfamiliar
Point: One issue with culture bias in psychological research is that it affects the validity of research findings.
Evidence: In western cultures, people are familiar with the concept of scientificresearch, and it's aims and goals. However, within non-western cultures, there is not so much history of scientific belief.
Evaluate: Therefore, behaviour under experimental conditions could be vastly different in both cultures, thus, culture bias may be more likely, possibly compromising the accuracy of the research findings.
(AO3) Discussion - culture bias no issue
Point: Research has suggested that the influence of culture on research is less important now than it was.
Evidence: Individualists e.g. USA value independence, freedom and personal fulfilment. However, collectivist cultures such as Japan value the need for groups and shared goals. However, Takano and Osaka (2009) discovered that 14 out of 15 studies that compared US to Japan had no evidence of a distinction between individualism and collectivism.
Evidence: Perhaps culture bias in research is less of an issue than before.
(AO3) Limitation - damaging nature
Point: Damaging nature
Evidence: Published findings create stereotypes about a certain group of people. Famous example = use of IQtest in the US Army. Results showed that Europeanimmigrants were belowwhiteAmericans, and African-Americans were at the bottom of the scale. The data from these tests had a profound effect on the behaviour the Americans showed towards these groups.
Evaluate: Contributed to long enduring stereotypes of certain groups of people.