Psychodynamic Approach

    Cards (17)

    • Who came up with the psychodynamic approach?
      - Sigmund Freud
    • Key Assumptions of Psychodynamic Approach
      - unconscious activity is the key determinant of how we behave
      - treatment for illness through psychoanalysis
      - personality is compromised of: the ID, the Ego, the Super Ego
      - childhood experiences influence our personality in adulthood
    • Role of the unconscious - what are the three parts?

      - the Id
      - the Ego
      - the Superego
    • Role of the unconscious - the Id
      - operates on the pleasure principle
      - develops from birth
      - demands instant gratification of its needs, entirely selfish
      - unconscious
    • Role of the unconscious - the Ego
      - operates on reality principle
      - develops at 2 years old
      - reduces conflict between demands of Id and Superego
      - does this via defense mechanisms
      - both conscious and unconscious
    • the Ego - Defence Mechanisms
      - unconscious strategies ego uses to manage conflict between Id and Superego

      Repression - push it into the subconscious
      Denial - pretend it didn't happen
      Displacement - changing focus of anger onto something else
    • Role of the unconscious - the Superego
      - operates on morality principle
      - develops at 5 years old
      - internalised sense of right and wrong, punishes the Id for wrongdoing with feelings of guilt
      - both conscious and unconscious
    • Example of psychodynamic - you didn't eat lunch and walk past a cake shop

      Id - get the cake
      Ego - you didn't eat anything, but maybe try to get something healthier
      Superego - wait and get something healthier for lunch
    • What are the psychosexual stages of development?

      - Oral (age 0-1)
      - Anal (age 1-3)
      - Phallic (age 3-5)
      - Latency
      - Genital (13+)
    • Psychosexual Stages of Development - Oral
      - libido is centered on the mouth
      - children get pleasure from sucking
      - not enough access to sucking may lead to smoking/biting nails
    • Psychosexual Stages of Development - Anal
      - libido centered on the anus
      - infants get pleasure from going to the toilet
    • Psychosexual Stages of Development - Phallic
      - boys go through oedipus complex
      - girls go through electra complex
      - libido focused on penis for both males and females
      - Freud says this is when sense of gender develops
      - this is when our superego develops
      - people with a single parents are likely to be narcissistic, reckless and possibly homosexual
    • Psychosexual Stages of Development - Latency
      - any earlier conflicts are repressed
      eg they don't know if they weren't breastfed for enough
    • Psychosexual Stages of Development - Genital

      - sexual desires become conscious alongside puberty
      - difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
    • Evaluation - Strength - Real World Application
      - led to development of new therapy known as psychoanalysis
      - this looks at dream analysis, hypnosis and Ink Blot tests to uncover and resolve repressed traumas
      - this is a strength as instead of treatments like electric shock, it paved the way for new helpful talking therapies
    • Evaluation - Strength - Has some explanatory power
      - explains concepts like how childhood affects later life and the importance of care
      - this means the approach was positive as it paved the way for late theories and was correct in saying childhood impacts later life
    • Evaluation - Limitation - Some concepts are untestable

      - repressed memories and Id etc all happen in the unconscious
      - so there's no way of testing them in a subjective way
      - this is a weakness as it is impossible to know for sure as he used case studies of his own children
      - this wasn't scientific, wasn't falsifiable so has no scientific credibility
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