Precision= exactness (consistency) E.g. its 8:22 and 5 secs
Accuracy= correctness (truthfulness) E.g. what is the actual time right now?
Reliability and Validity
Reliability= Precision (consistency) the extent to which our measure would provide the same results under the same conditions
Validity= Accuracy (truthfulness) the extent to which it is measuring the construct we are interested in
Forms of reliability
Parallel forms
Internal consistency
Test-retest reliability
Measures fluctuations from one time to another
If we administered our measure to the same participants on separate occasions, would we obtain the same results
Important for constructs which we expect to be stable
Beware of order effects
Inter-rater reliability
Measures fluctuations between observers
If 2 different raters/observers measured the variable of interest, would the obtain the same results
Parallel forms reliability
If we administer different versions of our measure to the same participants, would we obtain the same results
Different versions can be useful to help eliminate memory effects as the questions are different
Beware of order effects and fatigue effects
Internal consistency
Determines whether all items are measuring the same construct
Can be assessed in a number of ways one e.g. split-half reliability: questionnaire items split into 2 groups and the halves are administered to Ps on separate occasions
Beware of order effects
Forms of Validity
Content validity
Face validity
Criterion validity: Concurrent/Predictive
Construct Validity: Convergent/Discriminant
Content validity
Does our test measure the construct fully?
Face validity
Does it look like a good test? Do the questions reflect what we're asking?
Don't always want as it can lead to demand characteristics
Criterion Validity
Does the measure give results which are in agreement with other measures of the same thing?
Concurrent: Comparison of new test with established test
Predictive: Does the test predict outcome on another variable
Construct validity
Is the construct were trying to measure valid (does it exist)?
The validity of a construct is supported by cumulative research evidence collected over time
Convergent: correlates with tests of the same and related constructs
Discriminant: doesn't correlate with test of different or unrelated constructs