5. Nomothetic and idiographic

Cards (6)

  • Idiographic approach
    • Small number of pps - usually case studies
    • Focus on detail and understanding the individual
    • Qualitative research - pps interviewed in depth and includes open questions and unstructured interviews
    • Data is analysed and emergent themes identified
    • Conclusions may help people going through similar experiences
    • Humanistic and psychodynamic approaches favour this
  • Nomothetic approach
    • Generalisation to create 'laws'
    • Quantitative research - closely fits traditional model of science in psychology, hypotheses formulated, samples of pps assessed
    • Structured questionnaires and numerical data is produced
    • Seek to quantify human behaviour
    • Behaviourist and biological approach favour this
  • Objective vs. subjective
    • Nomothetic approach - favour objectivity where laws of behaviour are only possible if methods of assessment are delivered in a standardised way, this ensures true replication and removes any influence of bias
    • Idiographic approach - favour subjectivity as people's individual experience of their unique context is seen as important
  • AO3 - Strength of the nomothetic approach having scientific basis
    • The use of experimental/quantitative methods as well as empirical testing are highly favoured as they result in high external validity
    • Example being Miller's study of STM which used standardisation procedures and a lab setting
    • Miller's law eventually created that STM has a limited capacity of around 7 items due to rigorous control
    • Also allows for replication including Milgram's obedience study being replicated in a French gameshow which validates original findings
    • Ensures all findings are objective increasing credibility
  • AO3 - Limitation of the idiographic approach is that it cannot produce general laws or predictions about human behaviour
    • Psychodynamic approach study of Little Hans and concluded that a dream he had experienced about a horse collapsing meant that he had castration anxiety
    • Uniqueness of the case severely limits its usefulness as a source of practical knowledge
    • Deeper understanding is nearly impossible as results cannot be generalised to others
    • Leads to lack of diagnosis and treatments of psychological disorders
    • Not beneficial and lacks practical application
  • AO3 - Limitation of nomothetic approach not considering the whole person
    • Fixation on quantitative data limits deeper understanding as numerical data has no meaning behind it
    • No real world application and data cannot be generalised
    • A case study method (idiographic approach) is a powerful tool for evaluating psychological theories
    • Can generate further research into particular phenomenons which contributes to the development of new theories that further the understanding of human behaviour