Biological differences between males and females including chromosomes, hormones and anatomy.
Chromosomes influence hormonal differences in anatomy, such as reproductive organs, body shape, hair growth etc.
Sex is innate
What is gender?
Psychological and cultural differences between males and females including attitudes, behaviours and social roles. Heavily influenced by social norms and expectations. Environmentally determined due to nurture.
May be more fluid and open to change.
What is gender dysphoria?
Some people experience gender dysphoria, when their biologically prescribed sex does not reflect the way they feel inside and the gender they identify themselves as being
What are sex-role stereotypes?
Set of beliefs and preconceived ideas about what is accepted or appropriate for men and women in a given society or social group transmitted throughout society and reinforced by parents, peers, the media, as well as institutions such as schools.
Can lead to the formation of sexist assumptions
What did Smith & Lloyd (1978) research about?
Sex-role stereotypes in how mothers treat boy and girl babies