
Cards (5)

    • Christians believe each person has inherent dignity because they were born in the image in of God
    • "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness"
    • Jesus showed that all life should be valued and treated with respect
    • Jesus shows no prejudice when treating and healing those with leprosy
    • The Parable of the Good Samaritan - a Jew was injured, and was ignored by many figures of the church, but was helped by a Samaritan - Jews and Samaritans were not normally friendly towards each other
    • teachings from the Pope Francis in Evangeli Gaudium refers to the importance of the family as a community of love and life
    • every person should be treated with selfless, unconditional love
    • this is known as agape
  • agape in action:
    • following the action of Jesus by helping others
    • helping at charities like Salvation Army
    • working and volunteering at church