Absolute Dating

Cards (14)

  • Radioactivity was discovered in the 19th century by Marie and Pierre Curie.
  • Radioactivity uses radioactive isotope decay to develop a method for determining absolute ages of rocks.
  • Radioactivity uses radioactive isotope decay to develop a method for determining absolute ages of rocks.
  • Radioactive decay
    An unstable atomic nucleus is transformed into an atomic nucleus of a different element.
  • The rate of unstable isotope determine the absolute dates of rocks and minerals.
  • Alpha decay is the emission of an alpha particle from a nucleus.
  • What is an alpha particle?
    Helium nucleus (2P, 2N)
  • What happens to atomic number and mass in alpha decay?
    Atomic number decreases by 2, mass number decreases by 4.
  • What is beta decay?
    An electron Is released and turns into a proton
  • What happens to the atomic mass and number in beta decay?
    Atomic mass stays the same, atomic number increases by 1.
  • Electron Capture
    a proton captures an electron and becomes a neutron
  • Hal-life
    the time it takes for one half year of the original unstable radioactive parent to decay to a new stable daughter element
  • Hag-life is the most common method of determining an absolute decay
  • Radiocarbon dating
    can only be used in organic matter (wood, bone, shell)