Virtual and Parasocial

    Cards (26)

    • What notable change has occurred in relationships over the last thirty years?
      Development of virtual relationships
    • How can virtual relationships begin?
      They can start online via dating sites
    • What is a common feature of many relationships today?
      They operate both face-to-face and online
    • What is a unique aspect of relationships among online gamers?
      They can exist in a completely virtual world
    • What does the Hyperpersonal model suggest about virtual relationships?
      They are more effective due to earlier self-disclosure
    • Why is self-disclosure more frequent in virtual relationships according to the Hyperpersonal model?
      More time to manipulate online image
    • How does anonymity affect self-disclosure in virtual relationships?
      Anonymity encourages greater self-disclosure
    • What does Reduced cues theory state about virtual relationships?
      They are less effective due to lack of cues
    • What types of non-verbal cues are lacking in virtual relationships?
      Physical appearance and facial expressions
    • What is the consequence of lacking non-verbal cues in virtual relationships?
      Greater de-individuation and disinhibition
    • How does de-individuation affect self-disclosure in virtual relationships?
      It encourages less self-disclosure
    • What does gating refer to in the context of relationships?
      Obstacles to developing face-to-face relationships
    • What are some factors that act as gates in face-to-face relationships?
      Physical appearance, shyness, and social skills
    • How does computer-mediated communication (CMC) affect self-disclosure?
      Gates are absent, allowing deeper self-disclosure
    • What was the key study conducted by Joinson in 2001 about?
      Self-disclosure in different communication methods
    • How were participants paired in Joinson's study?
      In single-sex pairs
    • What was discussed by participants in Joinson's study?
      An abstract dilemma
    • What aspect of the discussions was rated in Joinson's study?
      Levels of self-disclosure
    • What were the raters told about the transcripts in Joinson's study?
      They were not told the conditions
    • What type of disclosures were included in the ratings?
      Only unprompted disclosures
    • What were the two experiments conducted in Joinson's study?
      • Experiment 1: Half Face-to-face discussion and other half using computer chat
      • Experiment 2: Half used computer chat, half used video
    • What was the result of Experiment 1 regarding self-disclosure?
      Computer condition showed more self-disclosure
    • How did self-disclosure levels compare in Experiment 2?
      Video pairs had lower self-disclosure
    • What was the significant finding about pairs who could see one another in Experiment 2?
      They had lower self-disclosure levels
    • A strength if virtual relationships is that there is support for abscence of gating. explain
      • McKenna looked at online communication by shy, lonely and socially anxious people
      • Able to express true selves more than face to face situations
      • Shy people online '71%' survived at least 2 years, 49% in KirkPatrik and Davis study(1994)
    • A limitation of virtual relationships is the lack of support for reduces cues. explain
      • Tidwell found that people in online interactions use other cues, such ae style and timing of messages
      • Acronyms, emoticons and emojis can be used as an effective subsitutes for facial expressions and tone of voice
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