biological approach

    Cards (8)

    • assumptions:
      • all thoughts, feelings + behaviours have physical basis
      • everything psychological is at first biological
      • to understand behaviour we must look at biological structures + processes
    • neurochemical basis of behaviour:
      • action of chemicals in brain e.g neurotransmitters
      • imbalance linked to causes of mental illnesses e.g serotonin + depression, aggression
    • genetic basis of behaviour:
      • study whether psychological characteristics are inherited in same way as physical characteristics
      • concordance rates compared in twin studies to see whether they have genetic basis e.g nestadt et al - OCD MZ = 68%, DZ = 31%
    • genotype + phenotype:
      • genotype = genetic makeup, phenotype = way genes are expressed through physical, behavioural characteristics
      • MZ have same genotype, phenotype may differ - stress, exercise
      • PKO rare genetic disorder, tested using heel prick test, can cause severe learning difficulties, restricted diet - normal development
    • evolution + behaviour:
      • darwin + natural selection - any genetically determined behaviour that enhances chance of survival + reproduction + continue in future generations
      • bowlby's theory of attachment + sexual selection
    • EVALUATION: scientific methods
      • precise + objective methods used to investigate genetic + bio basis of behaviour - scanning techniques e.g fMRIs
      • advances in tech, made it possible to measure physiological + neural processes without bias
      • based on objective + reliable data
    • EVALUATION: real world application
      • neurochemical processes associated with use of drugs to treat mental disorders
      • promoted treatment of clinical depression with antidepressants - reduce depressive symptoms
      • depressed people can manage condition better
    • EVALUATION: biological determinism
      • behaviour governed by internal genetic causes with no control - phenotype often influenced by environment + concordance rates arent 100%
      • predetermined to act in certain way regardless of experience + free will - 'criminal gene'
      • view is too simplistic, ignores other effects
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