-Sluckin (1966) conducted research with ducklings and successfully imprinted them onto himself while keeping one duckling in isolation for five days
-this duckling was still able to imprint
How is this a weakness?
-Sluckin concluded there was a sensitive period rather than critical when imprinting was best likely to occur but the attachments could still be formed later.
-suggests the critical period is not as rigid as Lorenz suggested
What is another weakness (imprinting)
-Guiton (1966) found that chickens that had imprinted on yellow washinggloves would try to mate with them later in life as predicted by lorenz
-however with experience they learned to prefer mating with chickens
-suggests that imprinting is not as permanent as Lorenz suggested
What is another weakness?
-Questions whether Lorenz work should be generalised to humans
-mammal attachment may be different to birds
-barnett argues that humans are socially biologically and cognitively different to humans