
    Cards (30)

    • What is the main topic of the video?
      Sampling in research methods
    • What are the five sampling techniques discussed?
      • Random
      • Systematic
      • Stratified
      • Opportunity
      • Volunteer
    • Why is it important to consider who participated in a study?
      To assess if findings can be generalized
    • What is the definition of target population?
      All individuals in the study group
    • What is generalization in research?
      Applying sample results to the target population
    • How can a researcher achieve random sampling?
      By using a random number generator
    • What is a potential weakness of random sampling?
      It may yield an unrepresentative sample
    • What is random sampling?
      Everyone has an equal chance of selection
    • What is a strength of random sampling?
      It avoids researcher bias in selection
    • What is a limitation of systematic sampling?
      It can still produce an unrepresentative sample
    • What is systematic sampling?
      Selecting every Nth person from a list
    • How does systematic sampling reduce bias?
      It removes researcher choice in selection
    • What is an opportunity sample?
      Participants are selected based on availability
    • What is a major drawback of opportunity sampling?
      It can lead to researcher bias in selection
    • What is a strength of opportunity sampling?
      It is a quick way to gather participants
    • What is a volunteer sample?
      Participants select themselves to join
    • What is a strength of volunteer sampling?
      It can reach a large number of participants
    • What is a potential issue with volunteer sampling?
      It may lead to volunteer bias in results
    • What is stratified sampling?
      A method that creates a representative sample
    • How does stratified sampling work?
      It selects participants from identified subgroups
    • What is a major advantage of stratified sampling?
      It ensures the sample is representative of the population
    • What is a limitation of stratified sampling?
      It can be time-consuming and complex
    • What does WEIRD stand for in psychology research?
      Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, Democratic
    • Why is the WEIRD sample a concern in psychology?
      It may not generalize to the global population
    • What historical bias is mentioned in psychology studies?
      Underrepresentation of women in studies
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of each sampling method discussed?
      • Random: Avoids researcher bias
      • Systematic: Quick with existing lists
      • Opportunity: Fast and easy to gather
      • Volunteer: Reaches large numbers easily
      • Stratified: Representative of the population

      • Random: May be unrepresentative
      • Systematic: Possible unrepresentative sample
      • Opportunity: Researcher bias potential
      • Volunteer: Volunteer bias present
      • Stratified: Time-consuming and complex
    • What resources are available on psych boost?
      Exam tutorial videos and printable resources
    • Who can access the tutorial videos on psych boost?
      Patrons at the neuron level and above
    • What is the purpose of the support from patrons on patreon?
      To allow part-time teaching for psych boost
    • What is the final topic mentioned in the video?
      Experimental design in research methods
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