Animal Tissues

Cards (32)

  • Epithelial tissue covers the surfaces of organs, lines body cavities, and forms glands.
  • Four types of tissue: Epithelial, Muscular, Connective, and Nervous
  • Tissue is a group of similar cells as to structure and function.
  • Histology or study of tissues.
  • There are 4 major types of animal tissues: epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissues.
  • Epithelial tissues cover organisms and their organs such as the linings of the mouth, gut, lungs, heart & blood vessels; form glands that secrete products like in salivary & sebaceous glands.
  • Tight junction allows adjacent cells to adhere side by side and this works to seal off a tissue and prevent entrance of pathogens.
  • Basement membrane is a thin membrane found at the basal layer of the epithelial tissue that serves as its boundary to the connective tissue.
  • Lamina propia attaches to basal surface of basement membrane with blood vessels that supply the epithelial tissue.
  • Apical specializations include microvilli, stereocilia and cilia.
  • Cells in epithelial tissue are compactly arranged with very little or no intercellular matrix between them.
  • Epithelial tissue can have surface specialization such as the cilia, keratin, goblet cells or brush border.
  • Connective tissues connect, bind, attach parts together.
  • Types of connective tissue include Dense Collagenous (Fascia, Tendon, Ligament), Dense Elastic, Reticular, Adipose, Cartilage (Elastic, Hyaline & Fibrocartilage), Blood, Bone.
  • Extracellular Matrix or ECM is composed mostly of collagen and ground substance that acts as a lubricant & barrier.
  • Fibroblast specialized cells synthesize collagen and ECM while fibrocytes are old, inactive fibroblasts.
  • Muscular tissues are responsible for contraction and body movement.
  • There are 3 types of muscle tissues: skeletal, smooth, cardiac muscles.
  • Voluntary muscles are those that can be controlled at will like skeletal muscle.
  • Involuntary muscles are those that cannot be controlled by the will like smooth and cardiac muscles.
  • Skeletal muscles are made up of elongated cells that are striated, multinucleated and are responsible for quick and forceful contractions.
  • Smooth muscles are made up of fusiform or spindle-shaped cells, non-striated that contracts slowly and are found in internal organs like the digestive organs.
  • Cardiac muscles are made up of elongated, branched, striated cells and are responsible for the involuntary, rhythmic contractions of the heart.
  • Nervous tissues are specialized for reception and conduction of impulses and are located in the brain and spinal cord.
  • Neurons are the cells of this tissue.
  • Types of neurons include sensory that carry information from receptors to CNS and motor that carry impulses from CNS to effectors.
  • There are 2 Major Types of Plant Tissues: Meristematic or Embryonic and Non-meristematic or Permanent.
  • Meristematic tissues include Apical (tips of shoots & roots), Intercalary (at nodes), Lateral Meristems (along the sides of stems & roots).
  • Permanent or Non-meristematic tissues include Fundamental (Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma) and Vascular (Phloem, Xylem).
  • Parenchyma is the most abundant of all cell types & found in all major plant parts.
  • Collenchyma is composed of unevenly thick-walled cells.
  • Sclerenchyma has evenly thick and tough cell wall, with lignin (carbohydrate) and for support.