Dev Psych Rev

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  • Freud's psychoanalytic theory includes the psychosexual stages of oral, anal, phallic, and genital.
  • Erikson's psychosocial theory includes the stages of trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, and industry vs. inferiority.
  • Piaget's cognitive theory includes the stages of sensorimotor, preoperational, and concrete operational.
  • Adults require 7 hours sleep per night.
  • The brain demonstrates plasticity and white matter increases into the 50s during the climacteric.
  • Diabetes includes Type 1 and Type 2.
  • Grandparenting Styles include Remote, where grandparents live far away, and Companionate, where they do things with little control.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis causes joint pain and swelling, fatigue and fever.
  • Metabolism slows down during the climacteric, which is the midlife transition when fertility declines.
  • Perimenopause and Menopause are stages of the climacteric.
  • Women provide support in friendship, while men consume alcohol.
  • Kohlberg's moral theory includes the stages of preconventional and conventional morality.
  • According to Freud, the oral stage in psychosexual development occurs from birth to 12 - 18 months, where the baby's chief source of pleasure involves mouth-oriented activities such as sucking and feeding.
  • Freud also identifies the infantile genital stage from 12 - 18 months to 3 years, where the genital region becomes the zone of gratification and the child becomes attached to the parent of the other sex and later identifies with the same-sex parent.
  • Vocabulary Growth typically reaches 40,000 words by the age of 9.
  • Sleep requirements decrease from 15 - 16 hours (2 years), to 7 - 8 hours (6 years), to 6 - 8 hours (12 years).
  • Attention is divided, selective, and sustained.
  • Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development consist of three stages: Conventional, Law and Order, and Post-Conventional.
  • Normative Expectation is the expectation of being kind and sharing with others.
  • Conceptualizations of Friendships focus on reward and cost, where friendship focuses on mutual activities.
  • Toilet training is typically achieved by 98% of children (age 3).
  • Childhood obesity is a significant issue in developmental psychology.
  • Children can draw recognizable shapes by the age of 3.
  • Vygotsky's ZPD and Scaffolding are concepts related to private speech.
  • Adolescence, which spans from puberty to 18 years, typically sees rapid growth and sexual maturation, with girls gaining 10 - 11 inches and 50 - 75 lbs, and boys gaining 10 - 11 inches and 50 - 75 lbs.
  • Empathy and Understanding are characterized as loyal, committed, and sharing intimate information.
  • Vygotsky suggests private speech is used to solve problems or clarify thoughts.
  • According to Piaget, private speech is egocentric.
  • Theory of Mind is the ability to consider others' thoughts, which typically develops between 2 - 6 years, with 200 - 10,000 words.
  • Piaget's Preoperational Stage consists of two substages: Pretend play and Children can't conserve.
  • Erikson's stage of Initiative vs Guilt focuses on being busy achieving goals.
  • The superego develops during the Oedipal Conflict, a stage Freud identifies in boys from 3 to 6 years and in girls from 4 to 7 years.
  • According to Erikson, the oral stage in psychosocial development occurs from birth to 12 - 18 months, where the baby's chief source of pleasure involves mouth-oriented activities such as sucking and feeding.
  • John Bowlby's Attachment Styles theory includes three stages of separation anxiety: Protest, Despair, and Detachment.
  • Parten's Classification System includes Unoccupied Play, Solitary Play, Onlooker Play, Parallel Play, Associative Play, and Cooperative Play.
  • The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is the tasks a child can’t do independently but can do with support.
  • Scaffolding is temporary support.
  • Marcia's Identity Statuses theory includes eight specific intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Spatial, Musical, Kinesthetic (body), Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic.
  • Lev Vygotsky's Socio-Cultural Theory suggests that cognitive development is facilitated by cultural products and social interaction with adults and more learned peers.
  • B.F Skinner's Operant Conditioning includes Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, and Negative Punishment.