Culture bias is the tendency to ignore differences and interpret all phenomena through the lens of ones own culture
Berry (1969) argues that psychology has been guilty of imposing etics - pushing values onto other cultures, assuming they're universal
Cultural relativism
Behaviour can only be properly understood if we study it in the cultural context and take into account the cultural considerations of the people who live there
Seeing the world from only ones own cultural perspective, and believing this perspective is normal and correct
Alpha bias
Occurs when a theory assumes that cultural groups are profoundly similar
Beta Bias
Occurs when real life differences are ignore or minimised, and all people are assumed to be the same
AO3 - Meta-analysis of the strange situation - Van Ijzendoorn
Separation anxiety varies cross-culturally
Germany - avoidant
Japan - Resistant
Eric approach - judging them by US/UK standards, which led to damaging stereotypes
German parents were more generally focused on independence, whereas, Japanese were more interdependent than US parenting
They are the norm (secure0 within their own context, but insecure according to US standards
AO3 - US Army intelligence testing - Consequences of cultural bias
Before WW1, the US army used an IQ test which contained questions about culture and sports that only the white majority would understand
This meant that African Americans would come out with a lower score
Damaging stereotypes, suggesting that intelligence is due to nature
The tests are used to fit political agendas and sanction racist policy (eg restricting immigration)
Could be seen as scientific justification to deny people from certain cultural opportunities
The ability to acknowledge ones own cultural bias, and the effect it may have on research
Partial solution as doesn't get rid of bias, just acknowledges its in the work
Also tends to be in the subconscious - so not aware of any bias
EMIC research
Studies one culture alone to understand culture-specificbehaviours
Researchers attempt to study behaviour through they eye of the people who live in that culture
reducing cultural bias
Do not attempt to extrapolate findings to culture that are not represented in the research sample
Use researchers who are native to/immersed in the culture being investigated
Be sensitive to cultural norms when designing research and tasks to use and when reporting findings and do not assume universal norms across different cultures
Study single culture to understand that culture (EMIC)
Carry out cross-cultural research rather than research with a sole culture
Taking a reflexive approach
Universalism and the uses if an EMIC approach
The problem wit taking an EMIC approach is that we might go too far in our ideas of cultural relativism
There are some universal behaviours, eg classical conditioning, biopsychology, reciprocity and interactional synchrony, schemas, memory