5.2.4 Oxidative Phosphorylation

Cards (3)

  • Site of oxidative phosphorylation = inner mitochondrial membrane, matrix and intermembrane space
  • Densely packed cristae = provides great surface area of membrane incorporating enzymes and other proteins involved in oxidative phosphorylation
  • Steps of oxidative phosphorylation
    1. NADH & FADH donates e- of hydrogen atoms to the first molecule in the ETC
    2. Electrons pass along ETC in a series of oxidation-reduction reactions
    3. The energy released from this causes the active transport of protons across inner mitochondrial membrane into inter-membranal space
    4. Protons accumulate in inter-membranal space before diffusing back into matrix through ATP synthase channels
    5. At the end of the chain, e- combine with protons and oxygen to form water. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor