Power in the UK

Subdecks (5)

Cards (26)

  • Why does the definition ‘some groups in society have the power to make decisions while others have to live with the decisions’ not reflect society?
    We live in a democratic society so the power comes from the majority of people because of voting.
  • What did Steven Lukes mean by the three dimensions of power and what were they? 
    Describes them as the ‘faces of power’. The three dimensions of power are:
    1. Who makes the decisions?
    2. Who controls the agenda? - who decides what can be chosen and what is spoken about
    3. Who has the ability to manipulate the wishes of others? - who has the power to use propaganda to manipulate
  • How did Parsons see political power?
    Argued that it shouldn’t be seen as fixed as it is a variable - if something changes quickly then those with political power need to be able to change what they are doing or who has power but still have control and power over citizens such as if we go to war.